25 research outputs found


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    Fear of failure when choosing a major will lead to extreme anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, aggression and even suicidal tendencies. Choosing the right major will lead them to success in the future. But if they choose the wrong major, it will be a big scourge for them. Counseling Rational Emotive Behavior is to help individuals realize that they can live more rationally and more productively. The purpose of this study is that REB counseling is effective in reducing anxiety in choosing majors in higher education for high school students. The form of experimental research is one-group pre-test – post-test design by running a quantitative strategy. The research sample was 6 students. Collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the Rational Emotive Behavior counseling method to reduce anxiety was very effective in terms of the significant effect because the t-test calculation determined that Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling was -5.295 > 2.871 had a significant number of 0.003 < 0.05, and large decreased anxiety of class XII students with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Counseling by 37.91%.Ketakutan terhadap rasa gagal saat memilih jurusan akan menimbulkan kecemasan yang ekstrim, rendah diri, depresi agresi dan bahkan kecenderungan bunuh diri. Memilih jurusan yang tepat akan membawa individu pada keberhasilan dimasa depan. Namun apabila mereka salah dalam memilih jurusan hal itu akan menjadi problematika besar bagi individu. Konseling rasional emotif perlaku membantu individu menyadari bahwa mereka dapat hidup dengan lebih rasioanal dan lebih produktif. Tujuan penelitian ini bahwa Konseling rasional emotif perlaku efektif dalam menurunkan kecemasan dalam memilih jurusan di perguruan tinggi pada siswa SMA. Bentuk penelitian eksperimen one-group pre-test – post-test design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 6 siswa. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan angket. Hasil dari penelitian didapat bahwa metode konseling rasional emotif perlaku efektif menurunkan kecemasan dilihat dari pengaruh signifikan karenapada hitungan uji-t menentukanbahwa Konseling rasional emotif perlaku yaitu -5,295> 2,871 memiliki angka yang signifikan r sebesar 0,003 < 0,05, dan besar penurunankecemasan siswa dengan Konseling rasional emotif perlaku sebesar 37,91%

    Role-playing group counseling in character-strengthening education in high school students

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    Purpose - This research aims to measure the effectiveness of counseling groups using the technique of role-playing in the framework of character-strengthening education in high school students.Method - research type used is quantitative with a quasi-experimental design. This study involves two object groups: experiment group and control group. These groups are set through a random method.Result - Counseling group with role-playing technique is proven to be effective in strengthening the character of the participants. This can be seen from the paired sample T-test where the significance score was 0.000 (p0.05). Thus, strengthening the character through a role-playing technique that includes the score of religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation, and integrity shows significant changes in the results. _Implications - This study the impact on the development of service guidance and counseling in high school as an effort to build character’s participants teach to fit with the score of character education.Originality - This research is strengthening character education through counseling group service with a role-playing technique for high school students.***Purpose - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektifitas konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik role playing dalam rangka penguatan pendidikan karakter pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).Method - Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini melibatkan dua objek kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Penentuan kelompok ditetapkan melalui metode acak.Result - Konseling kelompok dengan teknik role playing terbukti efektif dalam penguatan karakter peserta didik. Hal ini terlihat dari uji paired sample T-test dimana nilai signifikansi menunjukkan angka 0,000 (p0,05). Dengan demikian, penguatan karakter melalui teknik role playing yang meliputi nilai religius, nasionalis, mandiri, gotong-royong dan integritas menunjukkan hasil perubahan yang signifikan.Implications - Kajian ini berdampak pada pengembangan layanan bimbingan dan konseling di SMA sebagai upaya penanaman karakter peserta didik agar sesuai dengan nilai pendidikan karakter.Originality - Penelitian ini merupakan kajian penguatan pendidikan karakter melalui layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik role playing pada siswa SMA

    Eclectic Hermeneutic Method: A Philosophical Study

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    The method of Eclectic hermeneutics is one type of qualitative research aimed at understanding and interpreting literalism in depth and making appropriate articulation as the capture and interpretation of meanings based on the elements, as well as understanding the elements based on the overall meaning. The eclectic hermeneutics method is a methodological procedure for the practice of the interpretation of literalism of the fourth level which reaches reflexive or quadri hermeneutics interpretation and interpretation. By applying the eclectic hermeneutic method, the understanding and interpretation of networks of meaning or structure of literalism symbols can be broad, flexible, wise, inclusive, contextual, actual, open-ended system, humanistic, transformative, liberative and emancipatory based on awareness, depth of understanding intersubjective and clarity of interpretation of the interpreter of the focus and purpose of research. This study aims to foster and restore the sophistication of hermeneutics at its base as a scientific method in understanding and interpreting the literary traditions in various cultures.

    Role-playing group counseling in character-strengthening education in high school students

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    Purpose - This research aims to measure the effectiveness of counseling groups using the technique of role-playing in the framework of character-strengthening education in high school students.Method - research type used is quantitative with a quasi-experimental design. This study involves two object groups: experiment group and control group. These groups are set through a random method.Result - Counseling group with role-playing technique is proven to be effective in strengthening the character of the participants. This can be seen from the paired sample T-test where the significance score was 0.000 (p0.05). Thus, strengthening the character through a role-playing technique that includes the score of religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation, and integrity shows significant changes in the results. _Implications - This study the impact on the development of service guidance and counseling in high school as an effort to build character’s participants teach to fit with the score of character education.Originality - This research is strengthening character education through counseling group service with a role-playing technique for high school students.***Purpose - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektifitas konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik role playing dalam rangka penguatan pendidikan karakter pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).Method - Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini melibatkan dua objek kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Penentuan kelompok ditetapkan melalui metode acak.Result - Konseling kelompok dengan teknik role playing terbukti efektif dalam penguatan karakter peserta didik. Hal ini terlihat dari uji paired sample T-test dimana nilai signifikansi menunjukkan angka 0,000 (p0,05). Dengan demikian, penguatan karakter melalui teknik role playing yang meliputi nilai religius, nasionalis, mandiri, gotong-royong dan integritas menunjukkan hasil perubahan yang signifikan.Implications - Kajian ini berdampak pada pengembangan layanan bimbingan dan konseling di SMA sebagai upaya penanaman karakter peserta didik agar sesuai dengan nilai pendidikan karakter.Originality - Penelitian ini merupakan kajian penguatan pendidikan karakter melalui layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik role playing pada siswa SMA

    Semar puppet counseling model

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    Puppet as the original local wisdom has a great role in the character building and giving a good example of how to behave, puppet is also the source or guidance of how to behave well. One of the figures in puppet that has strong characteristic as the leader, protector, patron, and also the guide for ksatria in taking the decision is Semar. Semar has the perfection ethic of Javanese person and raise as the core of the soul of Javanese people. Semar’s wisdom can be applied in the development of multi culture Counseling for Counselor and multi culture Counseling characteristic. The characteristic of multi cultural based Counselor are: (1) Prudent, (2) Helper, (3) Motivator, (4) Democratic, (5) Fair, (6)Associating, (7) Sustains on the objectives, (8) Responsible, (9) Teaching, (10) Wholeheartedly, (11) Well mannered, (12) Sincere, (13) Honest, (14) Faithful, (15) Unpretentious (16) Not an anti critical, (17) Able to keep secret, and (18) Positive thinking. The application of Counseling based on the Semar’s characters is offered to develop the practice of multi cultural Counseling for the Counselors, it called puppet semar counseling model


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    The purpose of this research is to test effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling to increase self esteem of vocational high school students. The research was conducted from November to January 2016. In this research, a researcher used exsperiment structure with design pretest and posttest control group. Grounded on result of measure inventory self esteem issues twelve students identification as students have characteristic low self esteem. Furthermore comb out subject for group experiment and group control used by random with amount six students for every group. There are two kinds of instrument are used those are instument treatment and measure. Instrument treatment as project implementation group counseling cognitive behavior, whereas instrument measure as inventory self esteem which has validity value grain total with value R on top of 0,32, and realibility are 0,945 can be concluded inventory self esteem reliable and worth as a research instrument. The data is analyzed with test statistic nonparametrik Two Independent Sample Test Mann Whitney U. The income hypothesis get value Z is -2,242 and figure Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is 0,025 < 0,05, so Ho is refused, which meaning effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling to increase self esteem of Vocational high school. Based on the analysis of the found the research (1) to counselor: Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling can be carried out to increase self esteem of vocational high school students, and can be principle to understanding of grown students; and 2) to next researcher: This research applicate Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling with cognitive restructuring, problem solving and homework technique, for the Next researcher can test the effectiveness by using the other technique that relevant, or may be the researcher can use the other design as single subject design, action research in guidence and counseling, or the other exsperiment research that model Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling can be test the effectiviness


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    Self regulation is a process of self-regulation to set a mind and feeling to achieve a goal to be achieved. Self regulation determines student success, because students who have self-regulation can plan, evaluate, and control themselves. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavior group counseling can improve self-regulation of junior high school students. This study, using an experimental design with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design design. The data normality test results show that the control group is not normally distributed where the Sig.Asymp is smaller than 0.05. Whereas for the experimental group is normally distributed, where Sig.Asymp is greater than 0.05. Then it is obtained a hypothesis test that is appropriate for the control group using Wilcoxon test and for the experimental group using paired samples t test. Wilcoxon test results showed Sig.Asymp (2-tailed) of 0.080> 0.05, meaning that without giving counseling the Cognitive behavior group in the control group was not effective in improving student self-regulation, while for the paired samples t test test results showed Sig.Asymp ( 2-tailed) of 0.003 <0.05 means that the counseling behavior of Cognitive behavior groups in the experimental group is effective in enhancing student self-regulation. The research was carried out starting from April 2018 to January 2019, which took place at SMP Islam Mbah Bolong Jombang. Based on the results of the research, researcher gives suggestions for: 1) Teachers of Counseling Guidance, can be used as a reference that Cognitive behavior group counseling services can improve student self-regulation,  2) For further research: can apply Cognitive behavior counseling and can use different techniques in group counseling services so that they will gain a broader insigh


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    Some sequences of self-study about practical exploration for solutions through intentionality transcendence phenomenology by Andi Mappiare-AT creates deep philosophy, also presenting new paradigm of nusantara culture based counseling: KIPAS “Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur” has the acronym of KIPAS. The main content of nusantara culture based counseling model: KIPAS is real in the affirmation of the name. Procedure of KIPAS is conditioned to be “culture-friendly” by considering cultural research results in Indonesia and appreciation to practical Indonesian Guidance and Counseling as embodiment of UUD 1945, Pancasila, Sangsaka Merah Putih, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The conception of nusantara culture based counselling model: KIPAS is the effort of pioneering to the purpose of nusantara culture based counseling model which has been designed to be adaptable to the school management and national macro structure.The focus of this study is the effort to find production space of Nusantara alternative social study that will be realized in the effort of digging up the treasure of nusantara culture based counseling model: KIPAS. These tasks and challenges should be carried on by “organic intellectual” in Indonesia.  Article visualizations

    Konseling Rasional Emotif Perilaku: Sebuah Tinjauan Filosofis

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    RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR COUNSELING: A PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW. Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling is a comprehensive, active-directive, philosophical and empirical counseling based on psychotherapy that focuses on solving problems of emotional and behavioral disorders, as well as delivering individuals to happier and fulfilling lives more lives. The foundation of the philosophy of Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling is phenomology, which implies that there is no problem within oneself, which causes one to be troubled is his or her own. Rational emotive behavior counseling is done by using a varied and systematic procedure that is specifically intended to alter behavior within the boundaries of objectives that counselors and counselees work on together. General Purpose Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling helps counselees to identify irrational belief systems and then modify them to become more rational. Rational Counseling Emotive Behavior is practiced around the world and has many counseling applications, over 50 years of existence, Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling has been successfully applied to individuals, groups, marriages, families and for a variety of issues